The Sisters.

A community of womxn with a wide range of experiences and wisdom and love who can’t wait to share their light and their gifts.

Listen to other humans and their stories.   Learn how they used creativity and various artistic practices to shift their personal situations into a greater state of connection, peace and joy. 

Listen to other humans and their stories.
Learn how they used creativity and various artistic practices to shift their personal situations into a greater state of connection, peace and joy. 

Share your personal story by freeing your voice and body through singing, writing, visual art and physical movement as a direct way to clear energetic blocks and reconnect to ourselves.

Share your personal story by freeing your voice and body through singing, writing, visual art and physical movement as a direct way to clear energetic blocks and reconnect to ourselves.

Reconnect to a power source through healing modalities such as hypnotherapy, medication, energy work and Kundalini Activation Process. Expand your mind.  Open your heart. Rest your body.

Reconnect to a power source through healing modalities such as hypnotherapy, medication, energy work and Kundalini Activation Process. Expand your mind.
Open your heart. Rest your body.