The Sisters.
Reconnect to a power source through healing modalities such as hypnotherapy, medication,
energy work and Kundalini Activation Process. Expand your mind. Open your heart. Rest your body.
Amy McFarling
Falling Madly in Love…
With Yourself!
Tantric exercises for helping women tune into their body wisdom.
Helen Pleic
Know The Rules
of Your Mind
Learn the basics of the mind and
how to rewire it with rapid transformation therapy.
Jenoa Harlow
Kundalini Activation Process
Your job is to completely surrender your mind, stay curious with no expectations and get activated.
Kate Lee
Tai-chi-based seated meditation
using a hand mudra sequence.
Kimberly Washington
Ancient Ayurvedic for BIPOC
Real solutions to address health concerns.
Toni Short
The Flow
Allow Toni’s voice to transfer consciousness
into your mind, spark your body into a state of bliss
and ignite your soul into its highest potential.