Summer 2020
The Camp. Launch Case Study

The Opportunity.

  • It was the beginning of July 2020. One day, in a meditation, a little voice said to Toni... “You have to bring the camp experience back for everyone else.”
  • It was a calling. No matter how much she tried to ignore it, or find excuses, that inner voice got stronger. So she put together a small but mighty team and they began to pull the The Camp. together.
  • The Engine. was created and came together to birth The [Inaugural] Camp.

The Execution.

  • We reached out to our network of artists, writers, teachers, healing practitioners and amazing womxn and invited them to design a special workshop or experience for the Campers.
  • We curated three weeks of full-day programming offering over 30 workshop type experiences and discussions on everything from storytelling to singing to painting to energy healing, meditation and movement to vegan cooking to personal branding.
  • We established a Tech Concierge Team to support The Sisters in the set-up of their Zoom workshops.  
  • We built a website and user experience that allowed Camp participants to navigate their own journey and register for as many experiences as they desired. 
  • We created a deck which included personal messages, schedules, information about Experiences and special details about The Sisters.
  • We launched a donation-based online experience via email, social media and word-of-mouth on July 27th.

The Outcome.

  • Over 150 womxn of all ages, backgrounds, educational and professional backgrounds, cultures, and across three continents attended the camp.
  • The majority of womxn attended at least 3 different workshop series, as well as various interviews or special entertainment events. 
  • Ongoing feedback as to how the timing of The Camp. was "lifesaving" and "exactly what was needed".
  • About one-fourth of the Sisters who offered the workshops either expanded their existing classes or beta-tested new workshops that they rolled out post-Camp.
  • Below are a selection of the creative assets we created for The Camp. along with some feedback shared about their experiences. 

The Observations.

  • The first hand experience of the power of healing in group settings and the knock on effects of providing a platform for womxn to share their stories. 
  • Some who for the first time, shared their stories and found healing and relief through exploring a range of artistic explorations and practices.  
  • Toni also experienced  profound shifts in her own healing from the simple honor of bearing witness to the courage of these womxn.
  • Seeing how this changed the direction of so many lives Toni knew she had to bring The Camp. to life for other people and organizations.  
  • Feel free to email Toni to discuss how The Camp. experience might grow and transform your organization or community. 

Launch Video


Messages to The Campers.


The Schedule.

See below for the range of Experiences featured during The Camp.

The Moments.

morning pages.PNG
ljuba dancing.PNG
emily painting.PNG
granetta deck.PNG


The Campers. Deck

Created for The Campers. this deck included personal messages, schedules, 
information about Experiences and special details about The Sisters.

The Closing Ceremony Featuring Special Performance by Mijori…
Inside Out

Nightingale Mijori was commissioned by Host Toni Short to write and 
perform a song for The Closing Ceremony of The Camp.

Her story, of how we as womxn, turn ourselves inside out to find our true self is not only 
profoundly powerful but also universal to many of us and our journey's.

The Feedback.

It has being exciting and amazing the energy that flows in each of the sessions!
— CH
Invigorating, confronting, grounding - Toni’s camp is a place to connect with your own intuition through the root system of illuminated experiences with others.
— SR
Your flow sessions have made me realize how important creativity is to me, how (swearword) fundamental it is to be who I am, and that I need to bring it front and centre to my life.
— FH